Requirements ============ Linux based OS -------------- The actual version of KNoT Zephyr SDK is only available for Linux based systems. For other systems, you may consider using the `KNoT Docker `_ (recommended) or a Virtual Machine running a Linux distribution. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Zephyr ------ Set up a Zephyr development environment. .. note:: This section is based on `Zephyr instructions `_ and considers a Linux version based on Debian as host. Update Your Operating System '''''''''''''''''''''''''''' - Ensure your host system is up to date. .. code-block:: bash sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade Install Requirements and Dependencies ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' #. Install Zephyr's dependencies. .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git ninja-build gperf \ ccache dfu-util device-tree-compiler wget \ python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel xz-utils file \ make gcc gcc-multilib #. Install OpenThread and KNoT Protocol dependencies. These are external packages used by Zephyr and KNoT SDK. .. code-block:: bash sudo apt install autoconf automake libtool #. Install CMake v3.13.1. .. code-block:: bash mkdir -p $HOME/bin/cmake && cd $HOME/bin/cmake && \ wget && \ yes | sh | cat && \ echo "export PATH=$HOME/bin/cmake/cmake-3.13.1-Linux-x86_64/bin:\$PATH" >> $HOME/.zephyrrc .. note:: CMake version 3.13.1 or higher is required. Install the Zephyr SDK '''''''''''''''''''''' #. Download and run the Zephyr SDK setup file. .. code-block:: bash wget -O $HOME/Downloads/ && \ chmod +x $HOME/Downloads/ && \ $HOME/Downloads/ -- -d ~/zephyr-sdk-0.10.0 #. Program the ``$HOME/.profile`` to always set **ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT** and **ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR**. .. code-block:: bash echo "export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=zephyr" >> $HOME/.profile echo "export ZEPHYR_SDK_INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/zephyr-sdk-0.10.0" >> $HOME/.profile Set up the Zephyr Environment ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' #. If you do not have ``~/.local/bin`` on your PATH environment variable, add it. .. code-block:: bash echo PATH=\"$HOME/.local/bin:'$PATH'\" >> $HOME/.profile source $HOME/.profile #. Install the west binary and bootstrapper. .. code-block:: bash pip3 install --user west #. Clone KNoT Zephyr fork. .. code-block:: bash git clone -b zephyr-knot-v1.14.0 $HOME/zephyrproject/zephyr/ .. note:: It will create a folder under $HOME directory and clone zephyr inside it. Make sure to update the path on the following steps if you clone it under another folder. #. Initialize west. .. code-block:: bash cd $HOME/zephyrproject/ west init -l zephyr/ west update .. note:: If the system can't find west, try logging out and in again. #. Program the ``$HOME/.profile`` to always source when you log in. .. code-block:: bash echo "source $HOME/zephyrproject/zephyr/" >> $HOME/.profile .. note:: If you skip this step, it will be necessary to manually source every time a new terminal is opened. ---------------------------------------------------------------- nRF5x Command Line Tools and Segger JLink ----------------------------------------- Download and extract cli applications from `nRF5 Command Line Tools `_ or following the step bellow. #. Download nRF5 Command Line Tools. .. code-block:: bash wget -O $HOME/Downloads/nRFCommandLineTools1021tar.gz #. Extract nRF5 Command Line Tools. .. code-block:: bash tar -xvzf $HOME/Downloads/nRFCommandLineTools1021tar.gz -C $HOME/Downloads --one-top-level #. Install nRF5x Command Line and Segger JLink deb packages. .. code-block:: bash sudo dpkg -i $HOME/Downloads/nRFCommandLineTools1021tar/nRF-Command-Line-Tools_10_2_1_Linux-amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i $HOME/Downloads/nRFCommandLineTools1021tar/JLink_Linux_V644e_x86_64.deb ---------------------------------------------------------------- Set up the KNoT SDK Environment ------------------------------- #. Download the zephyr-knot-sdk repository. .. code-block:: bash git clone $HOME/zephyr-knot-sdk/ .. note:: The default clone path is the $HOME directory. Make sure to update the path on the following steps if you create it under another folder. #. Program the ``$HOME/.profile`` to always source when you log in. The environment configuration file is used to set up **$KNOT_BASE** path. .. code-block:: bash echo "source $HOME/zephyr-knot-sdk/" >> $HOME/.profile .. note:: If you skip this step, it will be necessary to manually source every time a new terminal is opened. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Add support to the KNoT command line interface ---------------------------------------------- #. Add to the path files. .. code-block:: bash ln -s $HOME/zephyr-knot-sdk/scripts/ $HOME/.local/bin/knot .. note:: This will allow you to call the ``knot`` command line interface from any folder. #. Use pip to install cli requirements. .. code-block:: bash pip3 install --user -r $HOME/zephyr-knot-sdk/scripts/requirements.txt ---------------------------------------------------------------- Add USB access to your user --------------------------- - Add your user to the dialout group. .. code-block:: bash sudo usermod -a -G dialout `whoami` ---------------------------------------------------------------- Apply changes to profile ------------------------ - In order to apply the changes to your user, you must log out and log in again or reboot you system. .. code-block:: bash reboot